The ancient Egyptians believed that the solar system in motion exemplifies the world's true social order, where man learns the art of spiritual reciprocation, how to give back to the environment the inborn positive energy that one receives. I have created a new Green awareness movement in the music industry for today's youth.
The book Egypt's Nile is Alive reveals the world's most sacred religious ritual known as “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which teaches modern man how to live in kinship with Mother Nature by becoming a true spiritual shepherd of the sky.
The book was created to symbolically bring back in modern times the new children of the Sun-God, whose mission in life is to support God's spiritual foundation. The movement is to give back to Mother Nature man's true inborn natural love of brotherhood that humanity desperately needs to sustain itself.
What makes “Egypt’s Nile is Alive” so special? The book pays homage to the founders of Egypt for teaching “humanity’s true inborn art of love” and emphasizes their historical achievement.
It is believed that from man’s earliest existence during the Homo sapiens period, he learned how to live in kinship with Mother Nature by worshiping the morning sun. This religious ritual that taught man how to become a spiritual member of the natural world was regarded as “humanity’s true inborn art of love.”
In 7000 BC the world’s first spiritual odyssey in the belief that “mankind is one,” teaching people how to live in kinship with Mother Nature for the sake of mankind’s survival, originated in the continent of Africa. The Africans were taught how to live in kinship with Mother Nature by learning to live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity. This religious ceremony was based on man being initiated into adulthood by becoming a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive force with Mother Nature’s morning sun.
Before the dawn of civilization and the invention of writing, man was taught the right path to take in his spiritual journey on earth.
The ancient Egyptians 3500 BC were the first to build a highly advanced civilization that revolutionized the art of universal oneness by teaching people from various religious sects the world’s true art of mystical rebirth: how to prepare themselves for the afterlife by becoming “one with the universe.” This religious ritual was recognized as one of the world’s first environmental movements. The ancient Egyptians also believed that “mankind is one” and that man was born with a mystical soul to become a true spiritual shepherd of the sky, but now is “one with the universe.”
The major difference between the Africans’ religious belief that “mankind is one” from the ancient Egyptians’ is the Africans’ had a spiritual relationship with Mother Nature, but the ancient Egyptians’ took it one step further they had a spiritual relationship with the entire universe that influenced people from all walks of life.
The contributions that the Africans and the ancient Egyptians both made that became the important building block of humankind development is an ancient story that must be told.
I have converted the ancient Egyptians’ spiritual environmental movement into my book Egypt's Nile is Alive and have fused it with a new musical philosophy that depicts “humanity’s true inborn art of love.” This is one of mankind’s oldest religious rituals that teach modern man how to become one positive force with the Sun-God and to be a productive member of society. What an amazing gift to revive and return back to humanity. It is a new trend in the music industry that was designed for today's youth to support the green movement.
I believe that millions of music fans around the world would be eager to join today’s true spiritual shepherds of the sky and become “one with the universe” in the crusade for mankind's survival.
“Egypt's Nile is Alive” is truly destined to become the number one book in the world because it teaches modern-day man “Humanity's true inborn art of love,” which represents the world’s true spiritual legacy of mankind’s survival. Today, the ancient Egyptians’ belief in the Sun-God is now being revived to support green initiatives and other environmental issues that pose a threat to our living planet.
I have written a very complex spiritual book on the subject of Egyptology for people to clearly understand its moral concept. This book was written for people from all walks of life to appreciate and to take a magnifying look at how the ancient Egyptians, who were a multiracial group of people, lived in kinship with Mother Nature for thousands of years.
The book tells the true story of why the ancient Egyptians built a civilization that was aligned with the stars and learned how to obtain a higher level of consciousness by living through their spiritual center and becoming one with the cosmic order. In the Egyptians' kingdom, they believed in the world's true art of mystical rebirth that life is eternal and that the final judgment for man's actions on earth is in his afterlife. This is a book that was specially designed to teach modern man how to become "one with the universe," which connect the ancient world to the modern world to help save humanity.
According to the timeline of ancient history, the first teaching of mystical rebirth started in the African heartland. In ancient times, one of the world's oldest religious ceremonies began in Africa teaching man “humanity's true inborn art of love.” It depicts man living in kinship with Mother Nature by being spiritually reborn and becoming a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive force with Mother Nature's morning sun.
This spiritual act was one of mankind's first religious rituals that linked man to the natural world.
It was believed that one of Africa's true quests to be eternalized was to learn the art of universal oneness; where man learned how to communicate with the spiritual world of humanity by living by the light from within his spiritual center.
This religious transformation was used and put into practice to give man a true moral sense of direction and to establish order over chaos in their homeland. What the Africans had learned about living in kinship with Mother Nature was how to live with a free spirit, which literally means how to dance in brotherhood with one another and enjoy life.
African religiousness is not a matter of adherence to a doctrine but is concerned with supporting fecundity and sustaining the community. African religions emphasize maintaining a harmonious relationship with the divine powers, and their rituals attempt to harness cosmic powers and channel them for good. Ritual is the means by which a person negotiates responsible relationships with other members of the community, with the ancestors, with the spiritual forces of nature, and with the gods. Mckerma A, African religion,, 2019
It is important to understand the contribution that the African people have made toward humankind's development. There have been many attempts to unlock the spirituality behind Africans' musical roots and why other cultures adopted their naturalist belief, but these attempts were incomplete. However, for the first time, the true spiritual story of their musical legacy is now being told.
Africa was known to the ancient world as the cradle of civilization and at the forefront of all human progress. The African people have had a long and lively history with many well-established civilizations and the teaching of religious philosophies that flourished for centuries even before the rise of Egypt. The Africans' true story can not be told without understanding the relationship that they had with Mother Nature.
History reveals that since the very beginning of time, Mother Nature's morning sun has been recognized as the most powerful force of nature that essentially created life on earth. The African people were the first to worship Mother Nature's morning sun and this human trait became a natural adaptation to the natural world. They devoutly believed that through nature speaks the creator and would draw energy from the sun to enrich their daily lives.
Many historians and religious scholars identified Africa as a spiritual land that was the master of man's soul. This religious movement involved man living in brotherhood with the Creator by learning to live spiritually free with a heart and conscience to support God's spiritual foundation.
The Africans had a central belief that we live in a moral universe governed by one scientific natural law. Consequently, mankind's survival is determined by what we give back to the environment. They were taught in this respect how to find a sense of balance within Mother Nature's realm by learning to live through their
God-given Holy Spirit for the betterment of their homeland.
The Africans earliest theology was mainly about the teachings of “humanity's true inborn art of love,” that man was born with a mystical soul to become a true spiritual shepherd of the sky and to be a productive member of society. This was recognized as the world's first religious ritual of universal oneness. People were taught how to live in kinship with Mother Nature by learning to unite as one divine spirit with the spiritual world of humanity.
Many historians believed that the Africans traditional family structure is the nucleus of civilization, integrating their religious worldview into every aspect of life.
It was later adopted by the ancient Egyptians and many other cultures in the Eastern hemisphere. Evidence of this is depicted all around the world in ancient temples and burial tombs revealing that the sun symbol played a major role in most ancient religious cultures.
Traditional Africa Religions
The role of humanity is generally seen as one of harmonizing nature with the supernatural. According to Lugira, "it is the only religion that can claim to have originated in Africa. Other religions found in Africa have their origins in other parts of the world." Molef Kete Asante, 2009 / Lugira, Aloysius M, 2009,
At this time, music also became an instrumental part of the Africans’ lives by showing a degree of creativity that would help individuals form a state of inner awareness. The true root of music originated from the continent of Africa, where man was taught the world's true inborn expression of freedom. This inborn expression was based on man learning to share his inner emotions that were often displayed in times of religious celebrations.
In ancient times, the genius of the African people was shown when they created a naturalist religion that taught man how to become a complete human being and learn to communicate with the spirit world. The best African symbol of this achievement that became magical is perhaps man beating the drum at the rising of Mother Nature’s morning sun.
It’s appropriate to explain how religious ceremonies became synonymous with music in the continent of Africa and how this social activity grew into an international event. In the traditional sense, when the youth in Africa were spiritually reborn and became an established member of the natural world, they would celebrate man's true art of universal freedom in the festive style of music. This musical legacy crossed the seas and eventually spread throughout the world.
We must pay homage to Africa to truly appreciate the diversity of musical genres that shaped our history and extended the World’s communication of hope. One of Africans’ greatest contributions toward advancing the human family was teaching man how to become a complete human being, relax, and enjoy life to its utmost.
According to Africa's historical background, monotheism was documented as their first religion that dates back some 60,000 years. Africans had a central religious belief of serving one true God that mainly pertains to man living in kinship with Mother Nature. This kinship is recognized as the greatest gift to humanity.
In ancient times, the Egyptians’ religious movement concerning man learning to live in kinship with Mother Nature was a precursor of Africa's musical heritage. It emerged from teaching their countrymen “the world’s true art of mystical rebirth,” which was based on man living in brotherhood with the Creator by learning to live spiritually free with a heart and conscience.
The ancient Egyptians, like the Africans, believed that “mankind is one” and that man was born with a mystical soul to live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to support Mother Nature’s equilibrium. They also adhered to the African’s central religious belief that through nature speaks the creator and would draw energy from the sun to enrich their daily lives.
The Egyptians were the true children of nature and one of mankind's first official environmentalists. They lived as one with the Sun-God and learned how to master their existence with the creator's inborn vision of truth that all men are created equal. The ancient Egyptians were taught how to live through their spiritual center and to share with their fellow man a natural human experience for the betterment of all instead of living through their vain man-made egos. In the ancient Egyptians’ kingdom, teaching people from different cultures how to be initiated into adulthood and live in kinship with Mother Nature became one of the world’s biggest religious movements, which was perceived as a non-violent approach toward saving the planet.
Ancient Egypt; the land that taught man how to become “one with the universe” was said to have lasted longer than any other civilizations in world history.
The ancient Egyptians’ religious civilization was established by teaching “the world’s true art of mystical rebirth” that human beings must think positively about their spiritual nature because this world that we live is just temporary. They believed that people on earth only have one chance to prepare themselves for their afterlife by becoming “one with the universe,” or it would be a complete waste of life.
In the kingdom of the Sun-God worshipers, the ancient Egyptians were a multiracial group of people who devoutly believed that “mankind is one” and lived in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity. The Egyptians main goal in life was to learn how to share the world’s true inborn spiritual morality with one another
to help heal the world’s vain materialistic darkness and become one divine spirit fighting for one cause:
brotherhood and peace on earth.
In fact, they were one of mankind’s first religious civilizations. Because of their moral convictions in life, they earned the reputation as the world’s true environmentalists, which is why their legacy is being recreated in modern times.
I believe that the cornerstone of all civilizations, without a doubt, begins with human sacrifice, where people must learn to live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity and speak one universal language. This was the ancient Egyptians’ monotheistic religious theory which helped save the ancient world and I believe that it could also help save the modern world.
The ancient Egyptians' universal belief that “mankind is one,” which attracted people from different religions to come and unite under one universal faith, could be the key to mankind's survival and should not be overshadowed. This spiritual torch is being passed from ancient times to modern times to help save humanity and to bring back the real spirit of mankind into the mainstream of our society.
The book Egypt’s Nile is Alive fused with a new musical philosophy main focus is to teach modern-day man “humanity’s true inborn art of love.” It depicts man being initiated into adulthood by learning to live through his spiritual center and becoming a true spiritual shepherd of the sky to support Mother Nature’s equilibrium.
I am honored to introduce to the music industry a new musical philosophy that represents the world’s true environmental movement.
The book’s new musical philosophy primarily represents the new children of the Sun-God whose moral duty on earth as a shepherd of love is to live as one positive vision along with the sun's shining rays that gives life to all things. It was specially designed to bring back humanity’s true inborn spiritual morality that “mankind is one,” into the mainstream of life and to direct the roots of music back on their spiritual path.
I am a visionary who has made musical history for bringing back to the world “Humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which represents the world’s true spiritual legacy of mankind’s survival. I believe that this new musical trend shall achieve worldwide recognition. It will certainly distance itself from other musical trends because it was created for today's youth to support the green movement, which has the potential to produce explosive popularity in all genres of music.
Today, the ancient Egyptians’ sacred Sun-God religion has been revived in the form of a new musical philosophy to support green efforts and causes primarily for the younger generation, and is destined to become the world's biggest green awareness movement in the music industry.
I am totally convinced that creating a new musical philosophy to support green initiatives is without a doubt the quickest way to reach the public at large and to make people aware of how critically Mother Nature needs their help. This is the only book on earth with a new musical philosophy that teaches modern man how to become “one with the universe” by learning to live spiritually free with a heart and conscience in our materialistic world. I am the first person in modern time to teach today's youth how to become "one with the universe" and reach the true stage of adulthood to help save our living planet.
The movement: Give back to Mother Nature.
I believe for the sake of mankind’s survival the time has come for modern man to learn the ancient Egyptians’ spiritual healing method of universal oneness by giving back to his fellow men the world’s true inborn natural love of brotherhood that humanity desperately needs to sustain itself. Yes, global warming is real and the earth is dying. The time has certainly come for the young generation to think positively about their spiritual nature by being taught “humanity's true inborn art of love” and learn how to take control of their own destiny.
What separates me from great authors is that I have come up with the perfect plan to help save our living planet by symbolically bringing back to the world the new children of the Sun-God. These are the new modern-day mystic men and women who live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to support Mother Nature’s equilibrium.
It is a new commercial trend in the music industry that was designed for today's youth to support the green movement. I believe that millions of music fans around the world would be eager to join today's true spiritual shepherds of the sky and become “one with the universe” in the crusade for mankind's survival.
Today, a new green awareness movement in the music industry is what the world needs because drastic climate change around the world is indisputable. This book was created primarily to fight for the living in humanity that is unparalleled today.
Without a shadow of a doubt, Mother Nature is in a critical state because of global warming that is produced by the greenhouse effect. We as spiritual beings have upset the order of the universe by not living in kinship with nature and in brotherhood with one another, but are now given a golden opportunity to make things right before it's too late. This kind of spiritual movement, designed to support our living planet, is the way of the future.
The world's oldest religious belief that “mankind is one” and that man was born with a mystical soul to become a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive force with the Sun-God, will become the biggest musical discovery and contribution ever in music that will prove to stand the test of time.
With this understanding, the music industry will be the first to say that man’s true inborn musical rhythm of how to become “one with the universe” is now free. This is a statement which no other book or artist has ever made. I am shouting with joy that I have brought back to the world “Humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which features the world’s true spiritual legacy of mankind’s survival. I hold the true roots of music and its future in the palm of my hands and must be heard. It was the triumph of a lifelong achievement to bring this book to the world.
I converted the Ancient Egyptians’ sacred Sun-God religion into a modern-day musical philosophy that shows people the true art of mystical rebirth and becoming a complete human being. This new musical philosophy was designed to teach people, especially young people, how to become “one with the universe.” My goal is to bring all people to the conscious level of universal awareness and to teach them the correct way to prepare themselves for their afterlife.
The book Egypt’s Nile is Alive with its new musical philosophy was created to enlighten people on how to obtain universal oneness, which comes with a very beautiful and inspirational Respect Yourself lithograph. Web:
(More information is included in the business plan.)
Copyright Egypt’s Nile Is Alive 2010-2018, by Edgar A. Dixon, Ian Dixon and Addriarne Irizarry. All rights reserved. NOTE: No one may use another writer’s articulated style or their actual writings, because it is against the law. If any text in this book is used without the author’s written permission legal action will be initiated.
Respect Yourself lithograph