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      A New Commercial Modern Day - 
      Sun God Religion.
        MANKIND BELONGS TO THE MORNING SUN ©                -                   A NEW GREEN MOVEMENT IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY.              
The book Egypt's Nile is Alive represents in modern times the new 
children of the Sun-God. The Movement - Give Back To Mother Nature: 
Only Through The Innate Spiritual Art Of Universal Oneness Will Man Survive.

      The Science Knowledge ©  


Ian Dixon. Please visit the website

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BY Lil Peppi.

 The ancient Egyptians believed that the solar system in motion exemplifies the world's true social order, where man learns the art of spiritual reciprocation, how to give back to the   environment the inborn positive energy that one receives. I have created a new Green awareness movement in the music industry for today's youth.  
 A MUST READ MODERN-DAY MASTERPIECE FOR THE WORLD TO BEHOLD!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
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                                                                                                  HELP SAVE OUR LIVING PLANET  -  GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL.

A New Green Movement - PREFACE


I have good news for all music fans around the world that believe in global warming and support the green movement:
we finally have a major voice in the music industry!  I have created a new green awareness movement within the music industry to teach today's youth how to become "one with the universe" and reach the true stage of adulthood to help save our living planet. This is my way of mitigating the destructive past practice that has almost destroyed the planet. It is also a means of paying it forward for future generations.

My name is Edgar A. Dixon, (MBA, MA, BE)) the author of the book “Egypt's Nile is Alive.” I have created a new green movement
in the music industry to teach today's youth how to become true spiritual shepherds of the sky as one positive force with the 
Sun-God and to be a productive member of society. It is a new commercial music trend designed to teach people from all walks of life how to live by the light from within and become “one with the universe” to help save our living planet from the grim reality of global warming.  

I am the first person in modern time to teach today's youth how to become "one with the universe" and reach the true stage of adulthood, which shall become the biggest green movement on earth.

Today, a new green awareness movement in the music industry is what the world needs because drastic climate change around the world is indisputable. In a moral civilization, the survival of the fittest is mainly the people who can see the big picture. This book supports the science of environmentalists concerning the real cause and effect of global warming. The truth of reality is we live in uncertain times. However, what we all know is that human beings have come to this crossroad a place in time when Mother Nature needs our true stewardship.

“Egypt's Nile is Alive” was written to teach modern man “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which consists of man being spiritually reborn and live in kinship with Mother Nature for the sake of mankind's survival. This book is a recreation of the ancient Egyptians' monotheistic religious belief that "mankind is one," which represents the world's true environmental movement.

In ancient times, the Egyptians were one of the first civilizations to teach “the world's true art of mystical rebirth” and the correct way to live in a civilized world. They devoutly believed that human beings were born with a mystical soul to live in balance with Mother Nature

The Egyptians' loyal subjects had to learn how to become a true spiritual shepherd of the sky and live as one divine spirit with the Sun-God. This sacred religious ritual represents man becoming “one with the universe,” which was put into practice to inspire man on how to embrace humility and sustain life by learning to live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity. Ancient Egypt was once known as the land of enlightenment, where people from different walks of life would show mutual respect for one another for the betterment of their country. They discovered that human beings have emotional needs; therefore, the key to life is that nature needs constant nursing to survive.  In the Egyptian kingdom, a spiritual country where people learned to respect one another and give back positive energy to the environment was regarded as man's rightful place in nature. The ancient Egyptians devoutly believed that man living in harmony with nature is perhaps the closest experience to what it will feel like in the afterlife.

This book was designed to teach the modern world the correct way to live in kinship with Mother Nature and how to give back to the environment the right balance that it needs to sustain itself.  In modern times, it has become apparent that the human race must make an effort through green initiatives to help heal Mother Nature in a crisis and to draw a line between survival and modern-day chaos. The time has certainly come to go green! The world's internal clock is still ticking regarding our global warming crisis, but it is up to us to save our living planet before it’s too late.

I have created a new green awareness movement in the music industry that could not have come at a better time, which is my contribution to the continuing advancement of civilization. This movement was designed to teach people how to become "one with the universe" and live in balance with Mother Nature by learning to respect one another and to give back positive energy to the environment to help save our living planet. 

What I have done is for the benefit of humanity to bring to the world the true guiding light of hope. I believe that global warming is real and the earth is dying. The time has come to learn the ancient knowledge of our ancestors to help save humanity.


                                             HUANITY'S TRUE INBORN ART OF LOVE

I have written a very complex spiritual book on the subject of Egyptology that allows people to clearly understand its moral concept.

This book was written to teach modern man “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which is the true origin of spirituality where man becomes "one with the universe" and live in kinship with Mother Nature for the sake of mankind’s survival. It has been revived to encourage people to become activists in the green movement to help solve the world's global warming crisis. I have always believed in a world motivated by ethics with people having the spiritual ability to save our living planet in a time of need. However, I have discovered by living in a political world with different points of view that most people refuse to think outside the box for the betterment of all, which is why this book was written to help them meet the world’s greatest challenges.

What makes “Egypt’s Nile is Alive” so special? The book pays homage to the founders of Egypt for teaching “humanity’s true inborn art of love” and emphasizes their historical achievement. (kemet was the original name of Egypt before the Greeks changed the name to Egypt in 525BC). Kemetic monarchy is said to have existed since the beginning of the world. Each king was given the title Heru whose 'eyes' were the sun & moon. It was believed that he embodied the spirit of the great creator God and ruled through God's divine order. (SA-NETER TV – African History Egypt, Ethiopia & Sudan.)

In ancient times, the Egyptians built a highly-advanced civilization to teach “the world's true art of mystical rebirth,” where people were spiritually reborn and prepared themselves for the afterlife. The Egyptians believed that human beings first moral duty to God is to learn to live through their divine Holy Spirit and be rewarded with the world’s most precious gift known to man: immortality.

Egypt was a religious country with a social belief system that man's true purpose on earth was to stay spiritually connected to the universe to help maintain order over chaos in their homeland. The ancient Egyptians worshiped Maat, the goddess of truth, justice, and balance, and believed that through the offerings to the Gods, man could maintain the order of the cosmos.

In the Egyptian kingdom, this spiritual movement was designed to teach their countrymen the true art of spiritual alchemy how to live in kinship with Mother Nature to support the world's equilibrium. They devoutly believed in Mother Nature's innate natural law that “mankind is one” and belong to one positive force.

The book's main focus is to teach modern-day man “humanity’s true inborn art of love.” It depicts man being initiated into adulthood by learning to live through his spiritual center and becoming a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive force with Mother Nature's morning sun.  

In the Egyptian kingdom, the morning sun was regarded as the main source of energy that connected human beings to the creator. What the ancient Egyptians had uncovered was the world's true secret of life - the scientific knowledge of universal oneness.  This was one of mankind's first religious rituals that linked man to the natural world and taught him how to live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity.

The Egyptians were known as a polytheistic culture interacting with many deities that lived in the forces of nature. However, Pharaoh Akhenaten IV and his queen Nefertiti in the 18th dynasty believed in a solar monotheism and taught their subjects how to worship the one true Sun-God known as Aten.

What is Atenism? 

In Aten, the Light will shine through you, and you may bring the hope of a new day to many who linger in darkness. Copyright ©2008-2015 by Temple of Aten.

Akhenaton IV was one of the most influential Pharaohs of Egypt, who believed in the science of the natural world, and was credited for teaching the Egyptians how to be spiritually reborn daily as one with Mother Nature’s plant life. Akhenaton IV had a religious belief called living in truth and showed his countrymen how to live daily according to the universal order. This religious ritual was based on man learning to live as one with the spiritual cycle of the morning sun, which is explained in detail later on in this book. The Pharaoh is also credited for revolutionizing the Egyptians’ belief in “the world’s true art of mystical rebirth” by imitating Mother Nature’s plant life, which exemplifies the human cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

During his reign, people were taught how to live a real tangible life with nature from day to day and not a life based on a timeless condition where man pays homage to a man-made idol inside a temple.  

The ancient land of Egypt was among the earliest civilizations that lived in kinship with Mother Nature to make the world a better place for the next generation for thousands of years. The Egyptians believed that “mankind is one” and that when people learn to live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity and begin to respect one another they can improve their quality of life. This theology influenced later cultures in Europe and other parts of the eastern hemisphere. 

The ancient Egyptians were a multiracial group of people from all walks of life who had discovered their inborn destiny and became one with the cosmic order by learning to live spiritually free with a heart and conscience. They believed that the path to a noble life is to live through their eternal soul and to be a productive member of society. This new form of social courtesy was necessary to teach mankind how to communicate with the spirit world and live in brotherhood with one another to help save humanity.


                                                 EGYPT'S NILE IS ALIVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK OF MODERN TIMES
                                                 THAT REPRESENTS THE WORLD'S TRUE ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT

 Today, in the 21st century capitalism is the main ideology that is shaping the future of the planet. Ironically, the reality  
 being overshadowed is that when people in a vain, materialistic society become too commercial, their social behavior  
 changes and they begin to lose real human affection for one another. The real danger with this social structure is that   when peoples' natural qualities are being transformed they over time can become egotistical without a moral sense of   direction. In other words, when we as spiritual members of the universe no longer belong to ourselves and are content   to live vainly with one another on earth, then we are certainly on the wrong path.

 It is a biological fact that there is a natural world that lives within humanity, including ourselves, and if we do not   accept it, then we deny God the right to be. Most people on this planet are behind in life, immature, naive, and never 
 grew up. They really can't see past the commercial world created by man and their enormous ego. But, many 
 are connected to the real universe and have natural and genuine feelings for their fellowman. The truth of reality is we 
 are not ahead in life, but behind when we don't respect the will of God, which is to always stay humble so that 
 everyone on earth can co-exist. The key to life in an abstract world is to have self discipline to "Respect Yourself" and   to help heal the earth by learning to respect others. 

 In the modern age, with many ongoing crises such as Global Warming and animal extinction, it has become a moral   issue that human beings must help preserve the planet for future generations. Giving credence to the reality of the   world’s commercialism, our chances of survival are very slim if we do not learn a new holistic approach.

 The book Egypt's Nile is Alive is a book for the ages that explains how the laws of nature refer to mankind's survival,   which was designed to give the modern world a true moral sense of direction to help save our living planet.

 In ancient times, the Egyptians built a highly-advanced civilization with many iconic temples and monuments that paid   homage to man living in harmony with nature. I have always been fascinated by the lifestyle and knowledge of ancient   cultures. I believe that one of the most compelling stories of all time is the narrative about how the ancient Egyptians   became the true stewards of humanity and why their culture lasted longer than any other civilization in world history.   The Egyptians' theology was based on the premise that human beings have a moral obligation to become “one with the   universe” to help save humanity. This is certainly a story of great interest that must be told and shall keep the reader   spellbound from start to finish.

                                        The time has come to teach modern man how to become “one with the universe.”

 Egypt's Nile is Alive is truly a special book that teaches modern man “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which   consists of man being spiritually reborn and live in kinship with Mother Nature for the sake of mankind’s survival. I am   the first author in modern times to clearly explain “the world's true art of universal oneness,” how the ancient   Egyptians were spiritually connected to the universe by becoming one divine spirit with Mother Nature's morning sun. 

 In ancient times, the Egyptians’ believed that “mankind is one” and that man was born with a mystical soul to live in   harmony with the spiritual world of humanity. It depicts man being initiated into adulthood and becoming a true   spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive force with the Sun-God.

​ According to the ancient Egyptians' theology, the only way for man to enter the gateway to the netherworld is through   the spiritual art of universal oneness. The ancient Egyptians' primary interest in studying Mother Nature’s natural world   was to learn how to become “one with the universe” and most importantly to take control of their own destiny.  

 This spiritual movement was influenced by their culture. “They believed in the principles of naturalism: that the   universe is governed by one scientific natural law and that man's true purpose on earth is to become one with the   cosmic order.” 

 In Egypt, the children of the Sun-God were a multiracial group of people who believed that man was born with a  
 mystical soul to establish a balance with nature. They were taught how to become “one with the universe” and to give   the world a sense of balance, by learning to live spiritually free with a heart and conscience.

                                                          Egypt’s Nile is Alive
                    The Green Movement Now Has A Major Voice In The Music Industry

Today, the book Egypt’s Nile is Alive was created to symbolically bring back in modern times the new children of the
Sun-God. These are people who become true spiritual shepherds of the sky and live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to help support Mother Nature’s equilibrium. What an amazing gift to revive and return back to humanity. It is a new trend in the music industry that was designed for today's youth to support the green movement.

In the age of reason, the human race must make an effort through green initiatives to help heal Mother Nature in a crisis and to draw a line between survival and modern-day chaos. Yes, the world must go green! I believe that global warming is real and the earth is dying. The time has certainly come to learn the ancient knowledge of our ancestors to help save our living planet.

I have written a book called Egypt’s Nile is Alive, a historical, symbolic book fused with a new musical philosophy called “Father Light Rock.” It depicts “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” where man is initiated into adulthood and becomes a true spiritual shepherd of the sky living as one positive force with the Sun-God. The book tells the true story about the ancient Egyptians’ monotheistic belief that “mankind is one,” in which man lived in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to support Mother Nature’s equilibrium. 

The name “Father Light Rock” literally means the inborn truth of God's Holy Spirit is rocking on. To be more specific, Father is a derivative of the word GOD; Light is a derivative of the word HOLY SPIRIT; and, Rock is a derivative of the word MUSIC. This special book, with its new musical philosophy, is truly the turning point of mankind’s survival that is destined to become the next big trend in music and will take a strong grip on the soul of humanity.

The moral concept of this book is mainly to teach modern man “humanity’s true inborn art of love”: how to help save the world from the grim reality of global warming by becoming "one with the universe" and to take control of his own destiny. I believe that millions of music fans around the world would be eager to join today’s true spiritual shepherds of the sky and become “one with the universe” in the crusade for mankind's survival. This New Musical Trend Shall Become The Biggest Green Awareness Movement In The Music Industry.

The ancient Egyptians' culture brought forth the true rise of naturalism where human beings were considered an interconnected part of Mother Nature. They believe that life is a science; people in the world who think positively can influence the fate of our living planet. Their mission in life was to give back to the spiritual world of humanity what it desperately needs to sustain itself. This social belief system was based on the principles of living a circular life that when people live by their true inborn spirit they can transform themselves into positive beings and in turn, our universal system will also experience positive changes.  

The ancient Egyptians were the true children of nature who believed that “mankind is one” and built a highly advanced civilization to help keep humanity's true inborn spiritual morality alive.

The book Egypt's Nile is Alive was written to allow people from all walks of life the opportunity to understand their ancestry in its depth and how it relates to modern-day times to enhance each of our lives. It discusses our spiritual nature and the ability to become a complete human being in body, mind, and soul.  

This book is designed to teach modern man about “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” how to become a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive force with the Sun-God and to be a productive member of society. It represents the world's true environmental movement, which is the true passing of the world's spiritual torch from ancient times to modern times.

What I have brought to light is a true spiritual narrative with strong historical support, which mainly focuses on how the ancient Egyptians lived in kinship with Mother Nature for the sake of mankind's survival. It reveals the world's innate spiritual knowledge of universal oneness and man's true purpose on earth. The response that we usually get from people is, “Wow - this book is a God-send that must be in the world.” 
Copyright 2019 Edgar A. Dixon and I-universe music entertainment.

                                                                              Egypt’s Nile is Alive   

Make some noise for Author I-universe LLC. who has written a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that will become the biggest business venture ever in the music industry.  

The Author of the book Egypt’s Nile is Alive has made musical history for bringing back to the world “humanity’s true inborn art of love.” It depicts man living in kinship with Mother Nature by becoming a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive force with the Sun-God. This was one of mankind's first religious rituals that linked man to the natural world. 

It is important to the ancient Egyptians' legend to emphasize that their innovative lifestyle had strong ties to the supernatural world. They believed that “mankind is one” and that man was born with a mystical soul to live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to give the world the balance that it needs to survive.

In ancient times, the Egyptians built a highly-advanced civilization to teach “the world's true art of mystical rebirth” to prepare man for the afterlife. People from all walks of life were taught how to be initiated into adulthood and become "one with the universe" by learning to live spiritually free with a heart and conscience. 

According to many historians, the Egyptians were very devoted to preserving the natural laws of Mother Nature. Their social belief was based on the assertion that success in life is not measured by human wealth, but by people sharing their true virtue of brotherhood with humanity as a token of love for the survival of the natural world. 

In the ancient Egyptians' kingdom, man found refuge in Mother Nature by learning to follow his moral compass that would lead to the journey to the stars.  

Today, the book Egypt’s Nile is Alive was created to symbolically bring back in modern times the new children of the Sun-God. These are people who become true spiritual shepherds of the sky and live in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to help support Mother Nature’s equilibrium. In ancient times, this religious belief was recognized as the legacy of the world’s true environmental movement.  

This book was written to teach modern man how to become “one with the universe” and to start a new musical trend for today's youth to support the green movement, which was purposely designed to connect the ancient world to the modern world to help save humanity.

The Author believes that global warming is real and the earth is dying due to modern man not living in kinship with nature. Therefore, the time has come to help resolve Mother Nature's crisis by introducing to the public “Humanity’s true inborn art of love.” This is truly the most important book of modern times. Ian Dixon.

                                                           THE EGYPT'S NILE IS ALIVE – ENTERPRISE  

I, the author, of the book “Egypt's Nile is Alive” have made musical history for bringing back to the world “Humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which originated from the continent of Africa. 

In ancient times, 7000 BC African people were the true stewards of Mother Nature who believed that “mankind is one.” In African social society, they were well-known for teaching their youth how to be initiated into adulthood, by becoming true spiritual shepherds of the sky as one positive force with Mother Nature's morning sun and to be a productive member of society. They learned how to unite with the spiritual world of humanity as one divine spirit fighting for one cause: brotherhood and peace on earth. For the first time, the world's true spiritual art of universal oneness has been clearly explained. This special book was written to teach modern-day man “humanity's true inborn art of love.”

I am the first person in modern time to teach today's youth how to become "one with the universe" and reach the true stage of adulthood to help save our living planet.

Hello world! I have discovered a new commercial market. What I have achieved by bringing to light “humanity's true inborn art of love,” which represents the world's true environmental movement, is unmatched in modern times. Today, a new green awareness movement in the music industry is what the world needs because drastic climate change around the world is indisputable. I have created a new green movement in the music industry for today's youth that has never been promoted as a business opportunity. 

I have earned the right to speak frankly about my new enterprise. I believe that the book “Egypt's Nile is Alive” is a work of genius that will become a new commercial market in all genres of music and change the world for the better. I am looking for investors to help promote the biggest business venture ever in the music industry.

I have discovered a new commercial market that shall achieve worldwide recognition because it includes a new business model for increasing revenue in the music industry. Many PR firms are keen to employ a public relations person to discuss their visions of an enterprise and to turn their innovative ideas into successful business ventures. Our company, however, is so confident and enthusiastic about this new enterprise with its unique symbolic logo, we believe that it will sell itself. Therefore, we are promoting and introducing this project to the public. 

 The book Egypt's Nile is Alive reveals the world's most sacred religious ritual known as “humanity’s true inborn art of   love,” which teaches modern man how to live in kinship with Mother Nature by becoming a true spiritual shepherd of   the  sky.

 The book was created to symbolically bring back in modern times the new children of the Sun-God, whose mission in   life is to support God's spiritual foundation. The movement is to give back to Mother Nature man's true inborn natural   love of brotherhood that humanity desperately needs to sustain itself.

 I have converted the ancient Egyptians’ monotheistic religious belief that “mankind is one” where people live in
 kinship with Mother Nature into a marketable enterprise.

 I am excited to introduce a summary of the book and business plan that has the potential to control a huge commercial   market in the music industry. The name of our company is called “Egypt’s Nile is Alive.” The company's business plan is   to start a new line of marketing projects, plus merchandise with our unique symbolic logo, which would rapidly boost   publicity and assist in meeting our goals. 


  Top of the Page 
 In ancient times, the Egyptians believed that human beings have a natural life within themselves to be fulfilled, which   transcend immorality. Their theology was based on the view that life is eternal and that people were born with a   mystical soul to learn how to communicate spiritually with one another on earth to earn them their freedom to the   netherworld. It was considered as a complete waste of life when people do not become spiritually connected to the   universe and prepare themselves for their afterlife.

 The ancient Egyptians had a belief system that the main reason why people are here on earth is to serve humanity
 and not to waste time with serving their man-made Ego and getting lost in the world's materialistic maze. 

 In the ancient world, the Egyptians' lived in kinship with Mother Nature for the sake of mankind's survival and were   recognized by many well-established civilizations as one of mankind's first official environmentalists. 

 I believe that the time has come to teach modern man how to fulfill the cosmic dream by becoming “one with the   universe” and to prepare themselves for their afterlife.   Welcome to the new land of freedom.

​                                                         MANKIND BELONGS TO THE MORNING SUN ©            
​                                                                       MANKIND BELONGS TO THE MORNING SUN ©

   A Brief Synopsis Of The Book


    Welcome to the new land of freedom
    Today, people around the world must stop waiting for governments to see the reality of climate change urgency and 
    start forcing them to accept this reality by becoming activists of a new green awareness movement in the 
    music industry. 

    The time has come to teach modern man that “mankind is one,” and the universe is governed by one scientific 
    natural law. I strongly believe in a divine "Master Plan" that created the natural world within humanity and that the 
    human race must learn to respect it, or we will become extinct. In my opinion, the creator of universal oneness that     
    created the natural world is the most high.

    The book Egypt Nile is Alive was written to teach modern man how to respect one another and to give back to the 
    world its true natural and positive energy that it needs to survive.

    I have created a new green awareness movement in the music industry for “Today's Youth.”  What I am bringing back 
    into modern times is the ancient Egyptian Sun-God religion where man becomes "one with the universe" and a     
    productive member of society to help save our living planet. It is a new commercial music trend that gives young 
    people a real chance to become activists and learn how to fight for their own future.  

    The time has come for people in the Green Movement to unite worldwide because music is the remedy that will help 
    heal our souls. This new musical trend is primarily for the advancement of civilization, which was purposefully 
    designed to help speed up the green movement political process. (Note; no one in modern times has achieved this goal.)

​    Today, I believe it is man's moral duty to teach the next generation how to become "one with the universe,"  and
    learn to show true human compassion toward his fellow man because it is our only alternative for survival.

    I am a visionary of the 21st century, who has written a book called "Egypt's Nile is Alive" to teach today's youth  
    "humanity's true inborn art of love." How to become a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as "one with the universe" 
    and live in kinship with Mother Nature for the sake of mankind's survival. This book is a recreation of the way the 
    ancient Egyptians lived in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity for thousands of years, which was designed to  
    symbolically bring back into modern times the new children of the Sun-God. 

    I am the first person in modern time to teach today's youth how to become "one with the universe" and reach the true 
    stage of adulthood to help save our living planet.

​    The book "Egypt's Nile is Alive" is fused with a new musical philosophy that comes with special songs to teach young  
    people how to engage with the environment through positive music in a way that will revitalize our planet and help
    heal the Earth.

​    It is without question the most influential book in modern times.

    I have created a new green awareness movement in the music industry for today's youth to become activists in the 
    Green movement internationally. It is what the world needs because drastic climate change around the world is  

​    I believe that the time has come to support the next generation's future before it is too late

    Bringing back “humanity’s true inborn art of love” in modern times has been a lifelong accomplishment to do  
    something positive for humanity. In my opinion, the world needs a true champion to help resolve humanity's global 
    warming crisis.
                                              GO GREEN - JOIN MANY CELEBRITIES TO SAVE THE PLANET